Once upon a time it could be said that there were two things we all had to face......death and taxes. Now we know that if your accountant is clever enough, he will find a way to winkle you out of paying and if you are rich enough, your attorney will be able to keep you out of jail for it.
Death is the only thing we cannot winkle our way out of. Oh, we may be able to delay the moment for a short time, but now or later we must all face our mortality. Personally, I am on the short side of middle-age, the point where my goals should be close to achievement, my legacy established and everything readied to allow me to play my way out of my life.....hopefully to the point of exhaustion. The idea is to meet death during an afternoon nap when I am fatigued from a full day of living on the edge. Actually, I am not there yet, but I know I need to prepare for it. Tomorrow......I will do that tomorrow.