Sunday, July 4, 2010

The Wisdom of Friendship

I remember hearing the names Damon and Pythias when I was growing up.  Their names were forever linked to the concept of the ultimate in friendship.  One of them was sentenced to death and the other offered himself as hostage so that his condemned friend could go home and say goodbye to his family. He went home and came back to save his friend from death in his place.  This clear demonstration of "a greater love hath no man than he lay down his life for his friend" saved both of their lives.

If we remember that Christ gave up his life as a sacrifice that we might live eternally, have we not been extended the ultimate in friendship as well?  That makes friendship a God-like attribute. While I have never experienced a "Damon and Pythias" moment, I  know people who, day after day, offer support even when I am tired, cranky and whiny.....people who will sit me down and listen to what I have to say and then tell me, honestly, what I should really know.

I am privileged to have as friends, individuals who have commiserated with me, counseled me, endured my short-comings, listened to my tragedies with patience and my joys with jubilation, celebrated my victories and comforted me in time of trouble.....people who....out of the goodness of their souls and despite whatever their personal trials might be ...offer all they can think of to help.....and who lift me up daily.  These are people who are so different from one another that, as a group, they defy description.

I recite their names like a litany and ask God to bless them, protect and prosper them, and give to each of them that secret knowledge which brings serenity and peace.  As I remember them gratefully in my prayers each night, I whisper into the darkness a line from Edna St. Vincent Millay, "....I cannot hold thee close enough."

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