Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Wisdom of Love

How could there not be wisdom in love?  Sometimes there is a bit of foolishness, too, but only because it is not unusual for a lover to be a wee bit indulgent with the object of love.  In fact the old saw is " is blind and lovers cannot see the pretty follies they commit..."  Love may be blind on occasion, but love is not stupid.  The people "in love" may be stupid, but never love, itself.  The wisdom of love is multi-faceted, all-knowing, all-forgiving, all-tolerant, all-compassionate, self-sacrificing.  Is this starting to sound familiar?  Are we starting to sound God-like?  Since He created us in His image....since our bodies are His temples.....then would it not also make sense that, as the song says " apprehension, how like a god....."?

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