Friday, July 2, 2010

The Wisdom of the Kitchen

I love kitchens....big kitchens, small kitchens, modern and antique kitchens, intimate kitchens and efficient kitchens.  There is something about a kitchen that exudes love and warmth and nurturing.  From meals lovingly served amidst its informality to early morning or late night conversations around a pot of hot chocolate to last minute school projects spread all over the table, counter-tops, appliances and chairs, the kitchen seems to be the heart of the home.  It is much like a watering hole in the desert.  It is the one place we all gather at some point during the day.

Since it is the heart of the home, I think more than a little attention should be paid to its design, arrangement and furnishing. I was told once that no matter how little money you have, there are three things you don't skimp on:  children's shoes, a wife's lingerie, and food for the family.  That last item I would modify to read "food for the family and the place where it is prepared."  After all, the kitchen isn't just the place where meals are cooked and served.  It is where plans are made, secrets are confided, love is declared, dreams are rebuilt, achievements are revisited and memories are made.

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